I stumbled across this while browsing the Young Adult section of my local library, and while I'm still working on the first volume of the free, public domain Works of Edgar Allen Poe on my kindle, I thought this would be a fun way to enjoy some of Poe's other tales.
This book includes abridged versions of 4 stories: "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether", "The Oblong Box", and "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar". I had only read the first previously (and it was a long time ago), so I can't really comment as to how these abridged versions hold up to the originals. Each page is fully illustrated with beautiful, macabre full-color artwork by Gris Grimly that complements the text wonderfully. On some pages, various scenes are depicted in frames like a graphic novel, whereas others are large two-page spreads with just a few lines of text, like a more traditional children's picture book. It's definitely an enjoyable way to spend an hour or so.
I understand that there is a companion volume to this, so I'll be checking that one out as well.